Hello ,
I made simple code for vrp for admin can revive with server id not user id
not tested in public servers , use as own your risk
you can download admin.lua and replaced if doesn’t work you need to add the code manual.
Author Credit Dunko
Hello ,
I made simple code for vrp for admin can revive with server id not user id
not tested in public servers , use as own your risk
you can download admin.lua and replaced if doesn’t work you need to add the code manual.
Author Credit Dunko
hmm thanks
you can try
it work for me
Did you try it with base vRP or just Dunko’s, because that can always change things? Just because it doesn’t work on your version doesn’t mean it won’t work on the base
it work for me
did you try with 2 people? one dead and the other trying to revive him?
Installed this on the latest Dunkos vRP can confirm it doesn’t work!
Tried manually adding it in and also tried the OP’s admin file provided, both didn’t work.
how you added the code?
This code
if vRP.hasPermission(user_id,"player.revive") then
Changed to
if vRP.hasPermission(user_id,"admin.tickets") then
And some other edits since I installed and tried it.
I’ll try the latest github changes and see if its working now.
did you added this code ?
local function ch_revive_stn(player,choice) -- Admin Revive
local user_id = vRP.getUserIdentity(user_id)
if user_id ~= nil then
vRPclient.varyHealth(user_id, {100})
if vRP.hasPermission(user_id,"player.adminrevive") then
menu["Admin Revive"] = {ch_revive_stn}
local function ch_revive_stn(player,choice) -- Admin Revive
local user_id = vRP.getUserIdentity(user_id)
if user_id ~= nil then
vRPclient.varyHealth(user_id, {100})
This is what I added to admin.lua
(20 char)
This script will not work that way, you can make one yourself
Why didn’t you just make a /revive command ?
can you give this phone menu for me?
Hi Mate.
I am questioning if this code is yours…
I have done comparisons to DGVanix’s Admin revive and they are extremely similar. You have also copy and paste the admin.lua from Dunko’s vRP, without crediting him at all. I have compared the code, all you have done is added the revive function.
Here is the comparison. Yours is on the left and Dunko’s Admin.lua is on the right. As you can see, they are same apart from you adding the revive function.
Dunko’s License states that if you use his code, you have to credit him. Dunko’s License
Hope you hear from you soon,
Dunko vRP Management and Support
i made this topic before he release the script [DGVanix’s ]
Ummmmm. You could always get the Admin revive from his Pack release.
DGVanix released his Admin Revive script publicly October 23, and you released yours same day? So, you did not release “yours” before DGVanix. You did not credit DGVanix or Dunko but you clearly copied from them both directly.
se the time