The highway patrol pack is great, some of the cars are for ELS lighting but there are similar models that have the regular lights applied. I know I can get the ELS stuff client sided but I’ll pass on it for now. It’s unfortunate the player models don’t work, the only way I’ve been able to get them to stream is if I replace a default model.
Is there a way to control the sheriff maverick spotlight? That things like turning on the sun its awesome.
the player models used to work until a recent update, yea you can change those out to normal ones and make sure to add the carcols for them and make it as an addon and assign the proper carvariation and it does in fact work, it works for replacements also as long as you only stream the selected parts of metas for selected cars you’re streaming, but yea just take out the ELS car and put the other one in thats no ELS add the needed metas done
Hello, I appreciate you creating this. However I’ve completely redone all of the vehicles and etc. Now what I’ve realised is that when I allow scripthook to be enabled on my server, it causes my client to crash. When I have it disabled all runs fine and I can join the server. Do note it’s not any of the other scripts, just this one. It only crashes me when this is loaded.
No, trust me it’s not. I’ve been doing this for a long time. It’s only when I’ve got scripthook loaded and allowed on the server. It’s nothing to do with my configs or anything along those lines. I even went through to double check and make sure it wasn’t anything in the vehicles.meta or carvariations.meta
Okay, so I’ve done so more trouble shooting and I’ve found that no matter whether I use the Default Version created by the author, for using my Customised Version it still crashes either way. However it only does so when you allow scripthook modifications to be enabled on your server.
Well, I entirely redid the whole thing. It works now, I split it all into three separate addons. Now the problem I’ve come across is that the vehicles refuse to spawn in, the trainers recognise their existence, however they just refuse to spawn.
I also wanted to thank you for your support, you’re quick to respond and that’s usually quite hard to come by.
yea im sure the metas are incorrect but at least you’re not crashing now so you got something working i assume its the interiors in the vehicles meta at the very very bottom there will be stuff that looks like this
these are the parts that control the interior so if you missed that or did not assign it to the car you added probably why its not working cuz its not loading the proper vehshare for that vehicle
Yea, those were in there for my convience, I know how the els stuff works it was just to make sure I was adding the right handling and etc. <3 I appreciate your help mate!