[Release] ActionMenu [1.0.1] (Updated April 2018)

Of course sir.

(20 Chars)

How do you cuff please, retrive a shotgun, retrive a m4, do an ad or other things like that

You add the code and buttons in yourself, this is just a base for you to add what you want…

Something like this.

elseif ( data == "m4") then
    TriggerClientEvent("chatMessage", -1, '' ..GetPlayerName(id) .. " ^3 Unracks M4 From Their Cruiser!"))

Just an idea not sure if it works.

Well that will just make a message pop up in chat

Check out @BabbaTundaee release, it has the stuff already in, ready to go, cuff, drag etc… [Release] Roleplay Toolbox 2.0

Yeah, of course, I thought that is what he meant. Something like this.

elseif ( data == "m4") then

function m4()
    local ped = PlayerPedId()
	GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE"), 1000, false)
    TriggerClientEvent("chatMessage", -1, '' ..GetPlayerName(id) .. " ^3 Unracks M4 From Their Cruiser!"))

Just an idea not sure if it works.

How do I open this? As in what keybind

M …

Could Someone Please Send Me There Config, It Doesn’t Want to Close For Me
Discord: Hellcat546#7218

could someone please give me an example of the edits needed to be made in the cl_actions.lua in order to get the buttons to use their desired actions <3

You need to have the buttons call an action so if you are calling a hands up script you do it like this

if ( data == "handsup" ) then 		--puts your hands up
and you trigger whatever your event is named 
so here is the hands up i use (i dont know who made this i DID NOT make it)

AddEventHandler("Handsup", function()
	local lPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
	if DoesEntityExist(lPed) then
		if not IsEntityPlayingAnim(lPed, "mp_arresting", "idle", 3) then
			while not HasAnimDictLoaded("random@mugging3") do
			if IsEntityPlayingAnim(lPed, "random@mugging3", "handsup_standing_base", 3) then
				SetEnableHandcuffs(lPed, false)
				SetCurrentPedWeapon(lPed, GetHashKey("WEAPON_UNARMED"), true)
				AddTextComponentString('~o~You have put your hands down')
				DrawNotification(false, true)
				TaskPlayAnim(lPed, "random@mugging3", "handsup_standing_base", 8.0, -8, -1, 49, 0, 0, 0, 0)
				SetEnableHandcuffs(lPed, true)
				SetCurrentPedWeapon(lPed, GetHashKey("WEAPON_UNARMED"), true)
				AddTextComponentString('~o~You have put your hands up')
				DrawNotification(false, true)
			TriggerEvent("chatMessage", "You are handcuffed..")

As you see RegisterNetEvent("Handsup") is what my button is calling

how to make a button work with ESX.ShowInventory() ??

Just trigger the event, or better yet don’t use ESX.

1 Like

You have renamed the resource name without editing the JavaScript.

i fixed the resource name issue xD just a little lua there and js there and it’s fixed.

for anyone wanting to know the code here:

    Resource Rename Fix 
Citizen.CreateThread( function()
    Citizen.Wait( 1000 )
    local resourceName = GetCurrentResourceName()
    SendNUIMessage( { resourcename = resourceName } )
end )



    Created by WolfKnight
    Additional help from lowheartrate, TheStonedTurtle, and Briglair.  

var resourceName = ""; 
var menuEnabled = false; 

window.addEventListener( 'message', function( event ) {
        var item = event.data;

        if ( item.resourcename ) {
            resourceName = item.resourcename;
} );

$( function() {
    // Adds all of the correct button actions 

    // Gets the actionmenu div container 
    var actionContainer = $( "#actionmenu" );

    // Listens for NUI messages from Lua 
    window.addEventListener( 'message', function( event ) {
        var item = event.data;
        // Show the menu 
        if ( item.showmenu ) {

        // Hide the menu 
        if ( item.hidemenu ) {
    } );
} )

// Hides all div elements that contain a data-parent, in
// other words, hide all buttons in submenus. 
function ResetMenu() {
    $( "div" ).each( function( i, obj ) {
        var element = $( this );

        if ( element.attr( "data-parent" ) ) {
        } else {
    } );

// Configures every button click to use its data-action, or data-sub
// to open a submenu. 
function init() {
    // Loops through every button that has the class of "menuoption"
    $( ".menuoption" ).each( function( i, obj ) {

        // If the button has a data-action, then we set it up so when it is 
        // pressed, we send the data to the lua side. 
        if ( $( this ).attr( "data-action" ) ) {
            $( this ).click( function() { 
                var data = $( this ).data( "action" ); 

                sendData( "ButtonClick", data ); 
            } )

        // If the button has a data-sub, then we set it up so when it is 
        // pressed, we show the submenu buttons, and hide all of the others.
        if ( $( this ).attr( "data-sub" ) ) {
            $( this ).click( function() {
                var menu = $( this ).data( "sub" );
                var element = $( "#" + menu ); 
                $( this ).parent().hide();  
            } )
    } );
// Send data to lua for processing.
function sendData( name, data ) {
    $.post( "http://" + resourceName + "/" + name, JSON.stringify( data ), function( datab ) {
        if ( datab != "ok" ) {
            console.log( datab );
    } );

I am busy with other projects so haven’t gotten round to doing it.

Hi great release! Everything works as it should. However I had a question that may be difficult or even impossible to answer.

How would I use this to trigger another UI?

Let’s say for example I wanted to create a menu button to open ‘mellotrainer’

or any other menu thats out there. Thanks any information would be helpful.

I tried messing around a bit (im pretty new to this), however I could not get it to load when using multiple “ui_pages”. With only one ui_page. The action menu shows, but the second menu does not.


can someone direct me to add esx_addoninventory to that?

Quick Question can you make a button call a esx function if so It would be great if someone could show me da way :wink: