[Release] A simple menu creator with Icons [PAID]

@Zenites_Team Ok no problem, planned for the futur or not ? another things, i dont know if you notice but there is an index bug, when i have a big menu (something like 10+ element) if i go from 1 to 10 or 10 to 1 the view dont update correctly but after if i go to index 2 (or index 9 if i go from 1 to 10) the view update correctly.

Sorry for the paint scheme, i’m not at home :
Exemple of what i say (borred to do 10 element so i only made 5 for the example)

Hi, Sarish.

Thanks for the feedback. I will try to fix it

The scheme turned out great. I understood your test exactly. Thanks for this

@Zenites_Team Any news of the fix ?

Hi. I sent a new update on the download link, download and test

Sorry for the delay to post ;–;

@Zenites_Team No problem for the delay, the problem is solved ! Thank’s a lot (or perhaps i will not thank you cause my server founders want to modify all our menu to use your menu framework :wink: )

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Could you please send a DM to @moderators as quickly as possible as we suspect someone stealing your content and releasing it as his own [PAID] [UI] Dream Interaction menu


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I sent. Thank you for letting me know! :slight_smile:

Hello, I just bought this script and i must say: THANK YOU!! Gotta love it

a Small hack to example: garages with images of cars in separate folder:

ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_advancedgarage:getOwnedCars', function(ownedCars)
		if #ownedCars == 0 then
			MyItems = {
				{img = "advancedgarage/nocar.png", text = "Sem carros", text2 = "Não tens carros na garagem", callBack = function()
			configs = {
				size = 0.6,
				positionY = "10%"
			IconMenu.OpenMenu(MyItems, configs)
			local MyItems = {}
			for _,v in pairs(ownedCars) do
				local hashVehicule = v.vehicle.model
				local aheadVehName = GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(hashVehicule)
				local vehicleName  = GetLabelText(aheadVehName)
				local plate        = v.plate
				table.insert(MyItems, {
					img = "advancedgarage/"..aheadVehName..".png", 
					text = vehicleName,
					text2 = "Matricula: "..plate,
					callBack = function ()
						SpawnVehicle(v.vehicle, v.plate)
			configs = {
				size = 0.6,
				positionY = "10%"
			IconMenu.OpenMenu(MyItems, configs)
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Is it possible to change the input type to mouse input?

Nice Bro ! :smiley:

That was incredible! Ingenious

Yes, it is possible, just add one more variable to the settings when creating a menu. However, this is still in the trial version.

local configs = {
 positionX = "90%",
 useMouse = true
IconMenu.OpenMenu(myItems, configs)

OK. Thank you :grinning:

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Looks Nice

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Hello, Any callback when menu is closed without select anything ?

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Sorry, I don’t think I understood your question very well.

Hello my friend, is this working ? useMouse ??

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Hello, yes, technically it’s working yes, in the latest version available from the download link :slight_smile:

Is it possible to use it with Server Events? :slight_smile:

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It is currently not possible to open a menu via an event, but it is very easy for you to create a client-side event that opens the menu, and then call this event :slight_smile: