I don’t try but if you move lr_supermod_carlift2.ydr and adapt the script to the new position of lr_supermod_carlift2.ydr, it’s possible. Try
Its buggy. I get this after logging out and back in again.
Thats the door to get in benny’s. The whole garage is despawned. (did not restart the server)
you use a custom bennys i think… remove it an try again
No i did not change anything. I did change the ls custom garage a bit.
Restart my game fixed my problem. Only funny thing is. Every time i enter the building for the first time my char jumps and falls the same way if you jump of a building with a parachute.
After some testing. I have to restart my game or else things wont load correct.
This happens after logging out and logging back in without restarting the whole game.
I turned all my other map changing things off and this is all that is loading at the moment.
Is there a way to fix this?
Using the script change from @Algoma
Make a client.lua file with the code below and it should fix your problem of load. Let me know if it’s work :
local Interior = GetInteriorAtCoords(-209.759, -1319.617, 30.08367)
Can i add this to the client.lua from this script? Or is it its own resource?
Added in the client.lua for this script and didnt work
put it in a function
Didnt change a thing.
Added it in another function.
The interior is loaded man. It’s just the collision named lr_supermod_int.ybn stop working, but i can’t say why. Maybe you use another modification for the benny’s.
Yeah i have same issue where when enter Benny’s just in front of the door inside there is a part where cars fall through the floor and also it makes you lag when you go near the lift like fps drops really low.
I dont have any benny’s mods running on my test server. I even turned/removed all the other map changes from the server.cfg and didnt change thing.
Im running allmost the latest fivem version. Maybe they changed something?
Its that resource causing the problem bud not your other map resources as i tested it with that resource and did not have the problem its something what the creator will have to fix
local Interior = GetInteriorAtCoords(-209.759, -1319.617, 30.08367)
I think this worked for
Check the post from Ryder06. Did not fix my problem
Do you use some ipl loader ? Because on the lastest archetypes, you don’t need that
I have a question if you can help me to spawn a car lifter in a position XYZA as an object … ?
I tried it without any ipl loader loaded in the server.cfg. Removed every single map option i have. And i still had the same problem.
how do i change the heading, i moved it to another shop other than Bennys, and cant seem to change the heading so it fits
SetEntityHeading I believe the native is