[Release] A modular carlift in the benny's

added a stop function https://streamable.com/wbted


Looks amazing. But it still doesn’t stop the bridge from disappearing when it reached it’s lowest point ?

No, it automatic stop at the top and at the lowest point.

Look at the video @Frobski posted and then at the end, the bridge “sinks” into the floor for some odd reason there

Why not, maybe I’ll try to detach it

he had to modify the script. In the K3rhos script, the carlift automatically stops at the top and bottom

a question how to open the mapped stuff ? Would be nice to be able to also put some somewhere else. Im only familiar with ymap.
Was googling and searching but cant find a tool to edit this stuff

Codewalker?, but tthe lift is spawned through the client.lua

can you release your modify?

in codewalker you cnat edit ytyp files etc. Thats why i have no idea :smiley:
to move or duplicate this stuff to an other garage

Just move lr_supermod_carlift2.ydr as you want, and adapt the script with nacelle.ydr

Frobski honestly either release it or stop showboating and get of his thread…

i make a little modification… im not dev ! just a guys looking and modify all… and with luck this work xD so… i share it with you guys…

function removeProp()
	local position = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(PlayerId()), false)
	local object = GetClosestObjectOfType(position.x, position.y, position.z, 15.0, GetHashKey("nacelle"), false, false, false)
	if object ~= 0 then

this part is needed for remove the ‘nacelle’


replace with this

function Main()
    Menu.SetupMenu("mainmenu", "BENNY'S")
    Menu.Switch(nil, "mainmenu")
	Menu.addOption("mainmenu", function() if (Menu.Option("Test Spawn Prop")) then
		spawnProp("nacelle", elevatorBaseX, elevatorBaseY, elevatorBaseZ)
	end end)
	Menu.addOption("mainmenu", function() if (Menu.Option("Test Delete Prop")) then
		removeProp("nacelle", elevatorBaseX, elevatorBaseY, elevatorBaseZ)
	end end)
	Menu.addOption("mainmenu", function() if (Menu.Option("Faire monter l'élévateur")) then
		if elevatorProp ~= nil then
			elevatorDown = false
			elevatorUp = true
	end end)
		Menu.addOption("mainmenu", function() if (Menu.Option("arreter l'élévateur")) then
		if elevatorProp ~= nil then
			elevatorDown = false
			elevatorUp = false
	end end)
    Menu.addOption("mainmenu", function() if (Menu.Option("Faire descendre l'élévateur")) then
		if elevatorProp ~= nil then
			elevatorUp = false
			elevatorDown = true
	end end)

this part add 2 option in the menu … stop the nacelle and delete the nacelle.

have fun.


with which editor can we move it?
dont get the point in Codewalker

Good, but not a solution. I modify the script in my server, and the nacelle spawn when the script start, and it’s look good

Not sure if your aware of this but if use the Test Prop button more than once this is the result lol maybe remove that option and just have the up and down option

That is why I changed the function to spawn and remove it

use deleteobject

and you think you release your fix version or no ? can be usefull for other people :slight_smile:

Is there a easy way to add this to other garages? Its focking amazing!