[Release] 911 (Discord Webhook & Other Features)

Go ahead, np :slight_smile:

Any ideas on how to make it automatically include the nearest postal?

same man

I absolutely love your mod and I hope its ok, I am making a duplicate and changing it to /towtruck so my players can request a tow truck to their location. I figured out how to change the color of the blip to something else, but how can I change the blue to a different color in the chat window? Thanks

TriggerClientEvent('911:sendtoteam', -1, playername, location, msg, x, y, z)
				TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', source, '', {255,255,255}, '^*^4911 | Caller ID: ^r' .. playername .. '^*^4 | Location: ^r' .. location .. '^*^4 | Report: ^r' .. msg)
				TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', source, '', {255,255,255}, '^1This call has been sent to Emergency Services.')

Change the 255,255,255 to a diffrent code https://www.rapidtables.com/web/color/RGB_Color.html

Hi, thanks for the script, but I would like to know how to get the message to the police only and not to all the emergency services

i have added it but it says in the location and the report my id how do i change that?


Does anyone know if it is possible to add the ability for the discord message to mention a certain role, like our dispatch role for example? I was looking through discords documentation, and I couldn’t find much on it.

Excuse me, i’ve got some trouble with triggering event for gcphone. The idea is using a phone call to send message to Discord, and in gcphone script is something like:

if PhoneNumbers[number] ~= nil then
	if number == 'saecomm' then
			TriggerServerEvent('911', location, msg, x, y, z, name)

And, yes, it makes nothing. How to trigger it, anyone can help me with this?

911 is working fine with blip but /onduty command is not working … Please help

@Chezza do i have permission to alter this and make it into a tow command and then post this you your credit

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go ahead no problem :slight_smile:

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@Chezza well then i posted it and closed and unlisted RIP.

How can I make so that police job allways get’s the alert without the /duty command?
I mean, the only issue is that anyone can use the duty command and as I alrealy have an offduty script making so that when they get onduty (policejob) they wont need to use more and more commands…

The problem about the /duty command is that if a random player gets the password from anywhere they would have a powerfull metagaming weapon… :sweat_smile:


You would need to run a check to see who has the police job and if they do they get the alert and if they don’t they don’t receive it, if your new to lua, I would recommend looking at the natives for some references.

I’ve tried following some random tutorials, did nothing but break the script xd


Is there a way that You could log who uses the onduty command. This could be abused very easily and i would like to find a way around it.


Hi, I have a problem. I installed the script correctly and it works perfect, but after a few days it stopped working.

In the chat it tells me: SYSTEM Command not exists

Anyone know what could be causing the problem?

Any possible way of making a webhook like this do TTS in discord for those who are viewing the 911 Channel in discord for like assisted dispatch?