[Relaease] Map Borders mod

Introducing a short, but sweet! A borders mod. This mod proves to be helpful for players within Flight simulator RP’s, map makers, and anywhere in between!

The process for creating the mod, was quite interesting (as I’m a beginner to this), I had a bit of help cleaning up my code, but at the end of the day, it ended up being short, sweet, but also light and very effective!

Anyways, please enjoy!

It can be toggled with /borders on
and /borders off

This will show you a light white indicator of where your plane’s wings will fall off!

Anyways, a demonstration can be found here:

And the link for the file can be found here:

Installing it is as simple as adding another resource to your server!
If you have any questions or optimization suggestions, please, please, please, let me know!
Also huuge shoutout to SpikE_Odets for helping me clean and explain my code. I learned a good amount from him, and for that, I thank him publically, and on the record!


Any questions or issues should be posted here and I’ll review em!

This is Awesome! :+1:

Haha, Thanks! Hope you enjoy! :smiley:

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Instead of drawing the 4 markers you could use this instead.

DrawBox(7999.94, -8999.92, -1000.0, -7999.96, 8999.92, 1000.0, 255, 255, 255, 20)

This runs at 0.01ms instead of 0.03ms and I think it looks a little nicer.


Haha where were you when I was talking to myself? LMAO!

let me test this!

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This is cool!

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Hey Smallo!
I tested it, and it does seem a tad more responsive, however, the box isn’t visible from both sides like the marker is. Is there any way to change that; Also the design isn’t as pretty :stuck_out_tongue:

But if you’d like to, please fork!

So I have a couple questions. Doesn’t GTA have a limit on how far you can go and when you hit that it basically does the same thing? Also how well does this work if someone has vehicle god mod on?

Sorry about that! I haven’t well tested the mod quite yet, however, GTA DOES have a limit, but when flying / boating, it’s hard to know exactly where that limit is visually; This mod aims to help that.

This is cool because if you have jets flying for example, they can cleanly fly the perimeter without the fear of flying too far out!

Hope this helps!

It is really cool. I was just wondering that knowing that god mod is something that well, it says it for its self. And to have it so that one person who is just bored out of his mind who just turns on god mod and fly’s out of the map. That’s why I was wondering cause you don’t want that to happen takes rp away you know.

I highly advocate doing self help and testing. You should make a video testing this theory out! :slight_smile: I’d love to see what happens!