RedrumRP | Freshly Renovated | Friendly Staff | Recruiting PD/EMS | Gang Turf | Drugs

Hey everyone,

Are you ready to embark on an adrenaline-fueled journey into the heart of the city’s underworld? Look no further because our GTARP server offers an immersive and dynamic experience like no other! As a marketing expert, I’m thrilled to unveil the plethora of features that make our server the ultimate destination for gamers seeking thrills, challenges, and endless possibilities.

1. Unique Skilling System: Gone are the days of mindless grinding! Our server introduces a revolutionary skilling system that adds depth and strategy to your gameplay. Whether you’re mastering the art of cooking to create useful meals and drinks, refining your marksmanship at the shooting range, or perfecting your getaway driving skills for those nasty car chases, every action you take contributes to your character’s progression. With each skill level you unlock, new opportunities arise, paving the way for a truly customizable gaming experience.

2. Dynamic Gangs: Forge alliances, establish turf, and rise to power in a city teeming with rival factions. Our server boasts a vibrant and ever-evolving gang ecosystem where players can band together to conquer the streets. From drug trafficking to high-stakes heists, the opportunities for collaboration and conflict are endless. With a diverse array of gangs vying for dominance, every encounter promises excitement, danger, and the chance to leave your mark on the city’s history.

3. Recruiting for Cops: Law enforcement plays a crucial role in maintaining order in our sprawling urban landscape. As the city’s finest, it’s your duty to uphold justice, protect the innocent, and crack down on criminal activity. Are you ready to don the badge and join the ranks of our elite police force? Whether you’re patrolling the streets, conducting investigations, or coordinating sting operations, there’s never a dull moment on the side of the law. With a wide range of tools and tactics at your disposal, you’ll have what it takes to keep the city safe and secure.

4. Community-Driven Gameplay: At the heart of our server lies a vibrant and welcoming community of gamers from all walks of life. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer eager to dive into the action, you’ll find a home among fellow enthusiasts who share your passion for immersive roleplaying and collaborative storytelling. From epic showdowns to heartwarming moments of camaraderie, every interaction contributes to the rich tapestry of experiences that make our server truly special.

5. Constant Updates and Support: We’re committed to delivering the best possible gaming experience for our players, which is why we’re constantly updating and refining our server based on your feedback. From bug fixes and performance enhancements to exciting new content drops, there’s always something fresh and exciting on the horizon. Our dedicated team of developers and moderators works tirelessly to ensure that your time in our world is nothing short of unforgettable.

We also have a very active and helpful Discord community just waiting for new citizens to interact with. Come say hi today and get to know the rest of your soon to be neighbors at and drop by our website at for an array of information on all the activities we offer, including guides and announcements!

So what are you waiting for? Join us today and experience the thrill of GTARP like never before. Whether you’re a skilled veteran or a newcomer eager to dive into the action, there’s a place for you in our vibrant and dynamic community. Easily connect NOW by clicking Here See you on the streets!


Play here every day 10/10 city


I highly recommend checking out Redrum, it’s a great city for all levels of RP experience! The people are really helpful for anyone new to the city. Staff are attentive and very active and there’s a lot of jobs and activities to keep you busy and coming back for more.


10/10 Would recommend

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Just a friendly bump =) looking forward to meeting everyone.

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