Simple change ped model snippet. in f8 console: setmodel model_name
-- Client RegisterCommand("setmodel", function(source, args, rawCommand) -- Set player model if args[1] == nil then print("Please specify the model") else setModel(args[1]) print("Success") end end, false) function setModel(hash) local characterModel = GetHashKey(hash) Citizen.CreateThread(function() RequestModel(characterModel) while not HasModelLoaded(characterModel) do Citizen.Wait(3000) end SetPlayerModel(PlayerId(), characterModel, false) Citizen.InvokeNative(0x283978A15512B2FE, PlayerPedId(), true) SetEntityVisible(PlayerPedId(),true) while not IsEntityVisible(PlayerPedId()) do Citizen.Wait(1000) end SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(characterModel) end) end
Do feel free to add your snippet of choice.
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