[REDM] Developer available for hire

Are you looking to create a customized RedM server for your gaming community? Look no further! I offer professional RedM server development services to help you bring your vision to life.

My services include:

  1. Server Setup and Configuration: I will set up and configure your RedM server from scratch, ensuring optimal performance and stability.
  2. Custom Script Development: Need custom features or gameplay mechanics? I will develop bespoke scripts tailored to your specific requirements, including roleplay systems, economy mechanics, and more.
  3. Map Design and Creation: Whether you need a brand-new map or modifications to an existing one, I will design and create immersive environments for your players to explore.
  4. Performance Optimization: I will optimize your server for maximum performance, minimizing lag and ensuring a smooth gaming experience for all players.
  5. Security Enhancements: Protect your server and player data with advanced security measures, including DDoS protection, encryption, and server hardening.
  6. Plugin Integration: From Discord integration to economy systems and beyond, I will integrate plugins and third-party services to enhance your server’s functionality.
  7. Regular Updates and Maintenance: I offer ongoing support, updates, and maintenance to keep your RedM server running smoothly and up-to-date with the latest features and improvements.

Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to upgrade your existing server, I’m here to help. Let’s work together to create the ultimate RedM server for your community!

Contact me today to discuss your project requirements and get started. Your players deserve the best, and I’m here to deliver it.

Discord in bio

Very helpful and professional service Good job yu done my server 10/10

Thanks for the review


I actually can need ur help we are using script from syn , SS , GUM , Outsider etc etc




Hey we need a Redm server dev are you available on discord?

yes i am available easylife5665 on dc

Good Job on setting up my server. i love the high quality base it’s muah. I’ll hit you up soon for more custom scripts to enhance my server more. thank you

You’re welcome and Thanksss @Emperorkai

bumps easylife5665 on dc

i’m Now Available

currently looking for redm server developer if you are available

I am available
