

Status Hud
Display your health, armor, thirst and food

Info Hud
Display your Server ID, Online Players, Data & Hour and Server Logo

Job Hud
Display your job and grade

Money Hud
Display your money, bank and black money

Voice Hud
Modern Voice Hud

Ammo Hud
Display the current ammo in the weapon of hands

Car Hud
Complete Car Hud, include damage, fuel, lights and belt


UPDATE: 06/07/2022

The possibility of enabling and disabling the following elements was added in the config.

+ Change visibility:

  • Money
  • Job
  • Health
  • Armor
  • Stamina

+ Added:

  • Health
  • Armor
  • Stamina

The color of the speedometer can be modified from the config.


The hud runs between 0.01 to 0.03 Client Side
The hud was test with +100 players and not server lag



Thanks to @NearTV and @iSheesho (Roda Team)

Others HUD:
[HUD Toon]
[HUD blackKIA]


Code is accessible No, but the NUI Part is accesible.
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~800
Requirements ESX
Support Yes as Always!

locales are encrypted

1 Like

omg how i thought at first the 2001 was a mile counter…why no hud has a mile counter :frowning:

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I think this could be done, I’ll analyze it! Thanks for your comment!

1 Like

Looks really nice, any chance of a QB version?

1 Like

We are working on it.

Nice hud <3

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Is the seat belt integrated in the script?
Do the seat belts break at high speeds?
Also does not putting a seatbelt on make you fly out at fairly high speeds?

good hud

1 Like

Love this! Can’t wait for QB version!

1 Like

Looks really nice, any chance of a QB version?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Yes

I’m working in it.

Sweet one last question can certain parts of the hud be toggled for each player or is it all static for everyone. Personally we dont do the job and money on hud in server we have commands to tell us

1 Like

This will be added in the next update, and also being able to move items around.

UPDATE: 06/07/2022

The possibility of enabling and disabling the following elements was added in the config.

+ Change visibility:

  • Money
  • Job
  • Health
  • Armor
  • Stamina

+ Added:

  • Health
  • Armor
  • Stamina

The color of the speedometer can be modified from the config.

1 Like Version QBCore ! :smiley:

I have a problem with the hood, when I enter the server it says I’m a policeman even though I’m not, and also a problem with money it shows that I have 10000000m but that’s not true @baires23

I get this Error at start. It’s encrypted so please fix it :slight_smile:
There is no support at discord so I try it here.