[REDESIGN][ESX] KASHacters Multi Character

It’s simple.
go into your essentialmode/client/main.lua
then comment this out

	while true do

		if NetworkIsSessionStarted() then


You can change it in the following file: esx_kashacters/html/ui.html
Edit it with notepad or something.

Its because esx_identity is triggered 2 times.
Here is what you can do to fix this issue:

It’s simple.
go into your essentialmode/client/main.lua
then comment this out

	while true do

		if NetworkIsSessionStarted() then


Whenever I spawn in, I spawn in as a default ped. I’m using esx_skin. Any fix?

is there even a way to do this without Essentialmode? esx does not work with essentialmode anymore i mostly use 1.2 of esx extended and i need this to work


Hi Nice script! Keep pushing
I wanted to know if it’s possible to have just 2 slots and modify the background.
Thank you

Yes, you can just edit the ui.html in the html folder to switch from 4 to 2 characters.
Simply do in line 32 <! - in front of it and in two lines 43 -> behind it

You can change the background in the folder css in the file main.css line 10
background-image: url(“Background link”);

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Thank you for your response. Just like that? http://prntscr.com/u07pdb


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Ok! And what if I want to “hide” First and fourth slot to make something like that http://prntscr.com/u0am72 can I?

If you do that as I sent you then it is 1 and 4 that is displayed. 2 and 3 go away

is there a way i can use this with just es_extended? im running es_extended version 1.2 this is the best character selection screen i seen all day and i would like to get this setup

ok so i got it but everynow and then i spawn in as michaels character and i have no minimap and sometimes when i restart the cashe kashacters stops working then i have to reset it any help

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and when i reset the cashe it freezes my screen loading in

Hey, so the script works perfectly fine for me except for one thing. Every time a character is selected it ALWAYS spawns them in the city and makes them fall through the map. Its the same spot every time. Basically its not saving the characters last location. Any fix?

trying stopping ur server and clear cashe thats what i had to do

i been trying to get it to work with 1.2 do you know why it does not save the characters into my database?

It saves my characters into the users section like it should but there position always says “0” on every axis

Nah man it didnt work :frowning:

r u adding all the idetifier tables into ur server main.lua from ur database?