Rebel Gabz Fleecas | Advanced Fleeca Bank Heists [QB / ESX / QBOX / CUSTOM]

:boom: Rebel Gabz Fleecas | Advanced Fleeca Bank Heists for all servers! :boom:

Watch Preview Video Here :movie_camera:

:lock: Grab The Escrowed Version Here (£24.90) :lock:

:unlock: Grab The Open-Source Version Here (£74.90) :unlock:


:white_check_mark: Works for all servers
:wrench: Unique Animations
:hammer_and_wrench: Individual Bank Cooldowns
:fire: Well Made
:zap: Fully Synced
:star2: Smooth Gameplay
:handshake: User Friendly
:zap: 0 Resmon Usage
:wrench: Easy Configuration
:white_check_mark: Made for Gabz’s MLO


:bulb: Rebel Lib - [FREE]
:fire: Gabz Fleecas MLO

Supported Frameworks:

:wrench: QBCore
:wrench: ESX
:wrench: QBOX
:wrench: Standalone/Custom

Supported Target Systems:

:dart: No Target System (drawtext)
:dart: ox_target
:dart: qb-target
:dart: bt-target
:dart: qtarget

Choose The Perfect Package For You:

:small_blue_diamond: Get the Escrowed Version for £24.90 - Link
:small_blue_diamond: Opt for the Open-Source Version at £74.90, granting complete customization freedom - Link

Code is accessible Yes & No
Subscription-based Yes & No
Lines (approximately) +1500
Support Yes

This one looking so far the best of your all scripts, hope to see shop robbery as well, with same detailed animations and support with gabz shops.

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Hi deiselpowerlv! Thank you so much for your comment, it is highly appreciated <3

Store robberies are planned :slight_smile:


Quick question is the source open enough on escrow to change locations for different MLOs besides gabz? Really looking for something like this, but I do not particularly like gabz fleeca MLO.

Hi, yes all of the locations are changeable in the config. But be aware, there are a lot of coords to change.