Realistic weed script. Can be harvested after 1 day(adjustable),DB registered, Limited, Synchronizeds,drug

Just reading the description of this resource and noticed:

“But still my suggestion is that 1 person should not plant more than 1 weed.”

Could you confirm that a single player can plant multiple plants without issue? Seems a little strange to suggest only planting a singular plant…

Look forward to hearing from you, Whippet :100:

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Of course, a player can be planted more than once. you just need to set it from the config file and set how many you want. The reason why I recommend it is this: When you have 100 weed growing players. 10 herb plantings each. Maybe 1000 weeds start to tire the system. I actively tested it with 800 weeds. there was no problem. I didn’t have a problem when I had +250 weed on my server

Top stuff! Is it possible to remove the feature of not being able to plant in the city?

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Of course you can too. open source code. if you can’t i will help you

Nice script! Keep going on!!!

Hey is this able to be used on qb-core??

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Sorry, this script is not compatible.

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