Realistic Weapon and Items on Back [OX_INVENTORY][PAID 9.99€] Discount 33%

Realistic weapons and items on the back for ox inventory
Advantages of the script :
– Resmon 0.00ms
– You can set each item and weapon in the config position
– You get special events for turn off and turn on props on back (example in the clothing shop when the player changes clothes)
– Enabled entry into apartments, houses, shells without baggy props on the back and flying in a vehicle
– Config 100%

Code is accessible Only Config
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 150+
Requirements ox_inventory
Support Yes

Cool script

Erko = {}
Erko.Print = false – print on console (F8)
Erko.DeleteProps = true – Command for delete all props on ped (for debug) /deleteprops
Erko.ItemsAndWeapons = {
{id = “WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE”, prop = “w_ar_assaultrifle”, x = 0.25, y = -0.175, z = -0.08, x_rotation = 0.0,y_rotation = 165.0, z_rotation = 0.0},
{id = “listovitrave”, prop = “bkr_prop_weed_drying_02a”, x = 0.30, y = -0.175, z = 0.10, x_rotation = 0.0,y_rotation = 75.0, z_rotation = 0.0},
{id = “WEAPON_PETROLCAN”, prop = “prop_jerrycan_01a”, x = -0.35, y = -0.175, z = 0.10, x_rotation = 0.0,y_rotation = 75.0, z_rotation = 0.0},
{id = “WEAPON_WRENCH”, prop = “prop_cs_wrench”, x = 0.25, y = -0.154, z = -0.16, x_rotation = 200.0,y_rotation = 100.0, z_rotation = 95.0},

Tested! Working nice! Great made Erko !

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is it locked? or opensource

What’s the difference between yours and this free one ?


Would love to see this working with QS inventory!

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Great job brother!

This not working on ox inventory

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Good job

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Escrow protected,config editable

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Discount 33% of the price in the weekend
9.99 on Tebex

nice work

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i just went to buy script but it says it cost 12.99 euro

10 + tax, old price 15e + tax

That does not give the right to resell it, do you have the authorization of the creator?

This is not a resale of the script, this script has more features and has been done since 0.
If you think it’s not my script, write me privately so I can show it to you

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I bought it now, bit disappointed that only 1 gun is configured. I would expected that most of the large caliber weapon is configured. For 12 eur I didnt expect that I need to configure all of them. I totally have no idea how to get this values for each weapon: x, y, z, y_rotation, z_rotation

I apologize, an update is coming soon that will add a large number of weapons