Realistic weapons and items on the back for ox inventory Advantages of the script :
– Resmon 0.00ms
– You can set each item and weapon in the config position
– You get special events for turn off and turn on props on back (example in the clothing shop when the player changes clothes)
– Enabled entry into apartments, houses, shells without baggy props on the back and flying in a vehicle
– Config 100% Info: Tebex Video
This is not a resale of the script, this script has more features and has been done since 0.
If you think it’s not my script, write me privately so I can show it to you
I bought it now, bit disappointed that only 1 gun is configured. I would expected that most of the large caliber weapon is configured. For 12 eur I didnt expect that I need to configure all of them. I totally have no idea how to get this values for each weapon: x, y, z, y_rotation, z_rotation