Realistic Muzzle Flash and Smoke

Is there a script like this for FiveM?

If not, is someone willing to convert/recreate it?
It’s one of my favorites mods for SinglePlayer and I would love to see it in FiveM.


weapon.rar (153.3 KB)


Appreciate it man!
Quick question, I do have weapons.meta and weaponanimations.meta already streamed for a fast fire rate script, I suppose they are going to conflict with eachother, right?

Yes they do

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yo question where do I drop the weapon.rar file?

you unzip it and drop the weapons folder in you recourses and start it

I don’t understand that, at all.

same can somone explain

@Escape_Drive @trac3r4 You simple have to download that .rar file, open it, then drag the “weapon” folder into your resource folder, and then add “start weapon” or “ensure weapon” into your server.cfg

i thought it went in your game like a graphics thing not a server

after installing i dont have some weapons (for example Draco and taser) in weapon select wheel can someone help?

Unfortunately it is incompatible with other scripts that edit the weapons.meta

Somebody needs to update this with the newer version,
Tried experimenting but ended up failing to get every weapon to work with it