Realistic Meth Cooking/Processing [UI]

**Realistic Meth Cooking Script for FiveM Servers. **
Fully Configurable, Easy installation.
Unique and realistic processing animations!

*This asset is not available for any other frameworks


Tebex | Meth Lab [QB] | Solos

Players Must have item(s) in inventory to view target options
Server-Sided Processing! (Players can work together on the same cook)

Ingredient Items Included
Also Included: Meth Tray, Meth Bin, Cooking Skillcheck (UI)

Configuration/Setup Tutorial included in download!

This asset uses the FiveM asset escrow system to protect sensitive files. You can read more about the escrow system here.

Code is accessible No (Majority is Accessible)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1500+
Requirements QB-CORE Framework
Support Yes