Realistic ATM

Is this working for 4k ultrawide aswell, and are the logo screens of the red andn blue possible to change like red for mazebank etc

Yes, it is optimized for 4K (we only had one issue with higher resolution, which we fixed, and no one has complained about it so far. However, if you happen to encounter a problem with a higher resolution, we will fix it).

As for the color of the ATMs, it changes according to the entity. In GTA V, there are different ATMs (blue, red, green, and portable). The colors automatically adjust based on the entity’s name, so unfortunately, they cannot be changed manually.

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Is this compatible with other banking scripts like okokbanking?

i want to know the same but from qs-banking

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I want to know the same!

I’m not quite sure if it will work with other banking scripts. But you have the option to purchase the escrowed version of the script and check if it works for you. If it doesn’t, we offer a refund within 12 hours.

There is also a “standalone” version in which the server.lua is unlocked, allowing you to modify the code if you have a script that works with a different banking system.

@hisdaddyalso @anugpanday