All the credits for this resource go to Cr1MsOn for the base of this amazing script!
This resource as you have read from the title is a Security Job! You are probably wondering what it is and what kind of Roleplay could someone do with this Job!
Someone who is using this job could also make some kind of agreement through Roleplay to protect a shop etc! Also, it can craft bulletproof vest
and make some sort of exchange…
Discord Logs
Armory for buy weapons or just to store weapons / stock items
Personal Job Garage
Video of this resource : https://streamable.com/bwnzl1
Download Link: https://github.com/Mikeano/esx_catsecurity
1)Download the resource from github
2)Extract the zip
3)Add “ensure esx_catsecurity” in your “server.cfg”
4)Import the sql (esx_catsecurity)
5)Drag and drop inventory pictures(Optional)
You are done
1)You can change the weapons in config.cfg
2) You can change the Discord webhook
3)Change the cars in config.cfg
- Auto mode
- Mythic Notify
- Progress Bars
- bob74_ipl
If you find any BUGS feel free to write down
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