How I solved this:
As mentioned above, tried the ‘vehdebug’ command in f8 console, but it wouldn’t work as it said this command is disabled in production mode, so to enable it I went in to cl_debugger.lua and found this bit of code:
–[[ Commands ]]–
RegisterCommand(“+vehicleDebug”, function()
if Debugger.toggleOn == false then return end
Debugger:Focus(not Debugger.hasFocus)
end, true)
RegisterKeyMapping(“+vehicleDebug”, “Vehicle Debugger”, “keyboard”, “lmenu”)
RegisterCommand(“vehdebug”, function()
Debugger:ToggleOn(not Debugger.toggleOn)
Debugger.toggleOn = not Debugger.toggleOn
end, true)
Change the ‘end, true)’ to ‘end, false)’ for both commands so it looks like this:
–[[ Commands ]]–
RegisterCommand(“+vehicleDebug”, function()
if Debugger.toggleOn == false then return end
Debugger:Focus(not Debugger.hasFocus)
end, false)
RegisterKeyMapping(“+vehicleDebug”, “Vehicle Debugger”, “keyboard”, “lmenu”)
RegisterCommand(“vehdebug”, function()
Debugger:ToggleOn(not Debugger.toggleOn)
Debugger.toggleOn = not Debugger.toggleOn
end, false)
Hope this helps!