Real-time Vehicle Handling Editor

This has saved me SOOO much time not having to restart the vehicle resource for every value change to test.

Just make changes on the fly to setup a vehicle, copy and paste it to the handling file, next restart the car is good to go.

I love you LOL.

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was meant to reply to the person above you

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James is there a way you can make it to where it saves the current values in the editor rather than the base values?

When I press Alt (even by changing the key) the mouse icon comes out but the whole interface doesn’t appear.

Is a FIX possible?

I have got the same issue, have you found any fix for this ?

I’m having the exact same issue. Would love to know if there is a fix for this so we can use it. It looks awesome!

Did you find a fix?

Have you found a fix?

HI, if you are still avalibe is there a possible way you can update your script? seems like its outdated cuz only the mouse icon shows up without the editor

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This was mentioned by one of the dev’s in the Github issues for this script:

A command to toggle the UI per client was added in March.

Open F8 and use the command vehdebug to toggle it.
By default it is a restricted command, so you will need the appropriate ACE perms.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

is there a fix for this as when i run it and press alt in the car it activates but the ui doesnt show anymore ?

How I solved this:

As mentioned above, tried the ‘vehdebug’ command in f8 console, but it wouldn’t work as it said this command is disabled in production mode, so to enable it I went in to cl_debugger.lua and found this bit of code:

–[[ Commands ]]–

RegisterCommand(“+vehicleDebug”, function()

if Debugger.toggleOn == false then return end

Debugger:Focus(not Debugger.hasFocus)

end, true)

RegisterKeyMapping(“+vehicleDebug”, “Vehicle Debugger”, “keyboard”, “lmenu”)

RegisterCommand(“vehdebug”, function()

Debugger:ToggleOn(not Debugger.toggleOn)

Debugger.toggleOn = not Debugger.toggleOn

end, true)

Change the ‘end, true)’ to ‘end, false)’ for both commands so it looks like this:

–[[ Commands ]]–

RegisterCommand(“+vehicleDebug”, function()

if Debugger.toggleOn == false then return end

Debugger:Focus(not Debugger.hasFocus)

end, false)

RegisterKeyMapping(“+vehicleDebug”, “Vehicle Debugger”, “keyboard”, “lmenu”)

RegisterCommand(“vehdebug”, function()

Debugger:ToggleOn(not Debugger.toggleOn)

Debugger.toggleOn = not Debugger.toggleOn

end, false)

Hope this helps!

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yeah this worked thanks heaps, curious if anyone has adapeted it to be permission usable so it could be used in a tuner shop incity.

For me changing the command itself to something else worked, kept getting the error even after adding false but after I changed RegisterCommand(“vehdebug”, function() to RegisterCommand(“vdebug”, function() typing “vdebug” in f8 works


worked for me. ty

I’ve added this into the server once before and it worked perfectly but for some reason it says “Invalid Command” when I use the tied keybind. Is there a way to fix this that I am unaware about?

Does this support planes and helis?

can someone help when i press alt it seems to work but the ui doesnt pop up

Guys here´s the thing
I did all correctly (i think)
but when i do ensure vehicleDebug in F8 it says it couldnt find resource
what i do?

Working as of 24/05/2024
Full credits to the creator, ive just reworded it abit simpler and simplified it