Real time development

Does QBCore have real time editing of scripts, ui, etc?
I am completely new to FiveM development.

Not necessarily. You can edit a script, and restart the resource in the live environment. My understanding is the resource is like cached once it starts on server launch. I hope that helps, I’m rather new myself still.

There’s no built-in way to have scripts run in real-time, nor would you want them to update in real-time.
You can however create nui UI’s outside of FiveM, just like you would any website, and then bring them in-game to test them.

What exactly are you trying to do?

Note: changing the qb-core resource does require a server restart, but most other scripts you can just reload using the ensure my-resource in the F8 menu.

Like Maejok said you can create them outside the game like a website or if you absolutely want to see what the change will look like in-game you can use CFX UI tool to modify it by inspecting elements. You can get to it through this url http://localhost:13172/ while FiveM is open

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