[RE-RELEASE] [FIXED] ESX_Holster - Job Fix

Hey there! I’ve heard from a lot of people that they had an error with esx_holster’s job query, which always allowed you to get the gun out. Anyway here is the working version. :wink:

Original Post (Inactive): [RELEASE] ESX_Holster

GitHub: GitHub - MainhattenDev/esx_holster-Fixed
Direct Download: esx_holster-fixed.rar (17.8 KB)


Please implement for slot base inventory

What do you mean? Why do you want esx_holster for inventories?

Weapon on back

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You mean that if you put the guns away, they won’t be put on your back. Right?

he requires for inventories since with ox_inventory weapons are now items and that’s why he is asking for inventories since most people using ESX are using ox_inventory