[RE-RELEASE] esx_eden garage2: 3 in 1 garage

I want to have police and mechanic impounds, but I don’t know where to put the code. Can someone help me out?

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same here, no clue where to add the lines, i tried when i take job in esx_duty but the impound not show

Can i get a full instruction, i’ve put the sql in the database and i’ve loaded the resource and everything but somehow it doesnt seem to work.

Console : Could not find dependency ft_libs for resource esx_jb_eden_garage2.

In THIS order

start esx_jb_eden_garage2
start ft_libs

download and start ft_libs, it is clearly written …

just add this like that :

    'default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'cloakroom',
      title    = _U('cloakroom'),
      align    = 'top-left',
      elements = elements,
   function(data, menu)
	  local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
      if data.current.value == 'citizen_BAC' then
	  	if Config.showpoliceblip then
	  isinservice = true
	  TriggerServerEvent("player:serviceOn", "police")
	  TriggerServerEvent('esx_society:setjobinservice', "police")
        ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_skin:getPlayerSkin', function(skin, jobSkin)
          local model = nil

          if skin.sex == 0 then
            model = GetHashKey("mp_m_freemode_01")
            model = GetHashKey("mp_f_freemode_01")

something like this to enable marker when you get on duty and off duty like this:

 elseif data.current.value == 'citizen_wear' then
		isinservice = true
		if Config.showpoliceblip then
		TriggerServerEvent("player:serviceOff", "police")
		SetPedArmour(ped, 0)
		TriggerServerEvent('esx_society:setjoboffservice', "police")

this is an example for police script

There is no Link for the Download

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google or read github i would say

where i put this code? esx_policejob client? and esx_duty?

it depends how you modified the scripts and how you work with duties… i would put it in job itself

i have esx_policejob + esx_duty. i put first part code into client esx_policejob? and second part code into client esx_duty? or where thanks

just put it like i did

i put code in policejob but error into F8, can you put hear code into .lua? i try copy and paste but error f8…

code is an example you need to edit it to your script

ah ok… i don’t know. you can adapt it for policejob?

Hello i want save damage véhicle when i put vehicle in garage

It’s Possible?

How do I save the vehicle health? The explanation isn’t any good for nubers like myself.

Or does anyone have this garage script fully working? With all the sql’s, changes etc.

And sorry for spamming. Should I also have the sql loaded from vehicleshop?

Shame it’s not compatible with esx_vehicleshop (and bunch of other scripts) straight out of the box :frowning: