Re-allow sounds (MP3)

please update FiveM and re-enable third-party sounds again!

From what I understood it’s not FiveM fault but rather chromium not supporting such formats. It used to work by chance but will more likely never work again.

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Hello we have a Problem the inro sound and the gc phone sound not working the last update from five m has killing the sound . Can you help us

Dude, this isn’t a FiveM call.

Convert your shit to .ogg or another open-source format.

what should i than use, i tried with plugin for media encoder, ogg vorbis version 0.5b6 2016 build but that doesnt seem to work

If you keep up to date with #service-updates in the FiveM discord, you’ll see that this has been addressed. However, if you can’t be bothered reading it, just convert your audio resource to .ogg.

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just thought I should pass on some info that I’ve discovered while trying to fix the NUI audio issue for the server i help with:

It appears to NOT be related to codecs. It appears that the version of the chromium DLL that is shipped with fivem is more picky about server headers, and is refusing to play audio offered by the http server built into fivem. We’ve offloaded the mp3, mp4, ogv, ogg audio+video files onto our community’s web server, and modified the scripts to load from the apache-based web server, and audio works again, pointing to an incompatibility between the http service from fivem itself.

Also as a side note, fivem does ship with ffmpeg (in the form of the avutil-56.dll alongside the chromium dll) which is an open source project that provides chromium the ability to decode mp4s, mp3s, etc, making the statement of having to purchase codecs inaccurate and misleading.

fyi, avutil and swresample != avcodec/avformat

Still, mp3 playback works again once it’s being hosted on a server other than the inbuilt http server provided by the fivem game server. If it were a codec issue, it wouldn’t work at all.

I replied about this in the other topic you copy/pasted a similar response to, without the bottom paragraph.

is there a size limit on .ogg files? cause since recently some of my .ogg encoded with opus broke and somehow mp3 are still working

Mh, do you have the exact fix you did ? We’re using GCPhone and it won’t work. Could not really understand the fix you did. It would be really nice if we could have the share of your fix.

Would love it, thanks !

We have the same issue. But we fixed it 50% i would say. The problem for us right now is that when you connect first time, and receive a call, you dont hear it, but when you receive a call second time it works. We have .ogg files under 100kb, is there any way we can fix this?

I have compressed the Ring.ogg from GCPhone to 56 Kb and it works perfectly on my server


Ok, but how did you manage to reduce the file size as much as this ?

What type of website and stuff do you use to compress it, and does it work first time, or is it second time it works?

You just have to cut the sound file a little bit, I shortened mine to 17 seconds, but that’s a little short. And if you have shortened them, just convert with Finished