RCP's Trainer Menu: Weapons

RCP’s Trainer: Weapons

NUI Clickable Trainer Menu for Weapons, Ammo & Weapon Components. View the weapon in detail while editing the attachments you want as well as seeing the weapons stats and which stats each attachment changes. There are also buttons to give all ammo, give all weapons, give the max ammo, toggle infinite ammo, toggle bullet impacts, toggle shot entities and more!


More information, including a video showcasing what the script does, can be found on the GitHub repository! Click here to go to it!




On line 687 you can change / fix

if not((tostring(ix) == "0.0") and (tostring(iy) == "0.0") and (tostring(iz) == "0.0")) then


if ix ~= 0.0 and iy ~= 0.0 and iz ~= 0.0 then


if ix > 0.0 and it > 0.0 and is > 0.0 then

idk why you have it the other way

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I did that because I was issues and wanted to make sure that part 100% worked and if it ain’t broke don’t fix it lol



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For me this just doesn’t work at all.
The menu appears, but no weapon shows up when I click on them, and there is just no way to close the menu even with the X button or the toggle to the right.


your folder name is causing that, make sure its lowercase

Ahh got it, because of the URL right?
Consider using GetCurrentResourceName()

that wouldn’t help the URL will always send as only lowercase so it won’t find the callback in the lua file if the folder name isn’t lowercase

is this just for admins? or can anyone use the command?


anyway i can make it admin only?

Every server has different ways of checking who is an admin, you will have to work out how yours is working and then code that part yourself.

How can I make it for only specific groups, for example cops

Depending on the permission settings you use, you can set specific permissions for stuff regarding this topic. It would be something like;
1; Check the script code and find where the menu open stuff is;
2; it should have the permission “builtin.everyone” set;
3; change permission to “group.admin” or whatever role you want to have it.;
4; Restart your server for the new permission tag to take effect and hope it works!!!