rbMarkers | Mark your enemies [RELEASE] [PAID]


What is this? :thinking:

Well, do you know other games where you can “ping” or “mark” your enemy position?

rbMarkers does exactly the same, but using just the FiveM natives!

Why should you use rbMarkers? :closed_lock_with_key:

We’ve been using this on a Roleplay Server with 150-200 players online and every “team” (technically a job, we use a ESX-Job based system) enjoyed it.

Crew System

This is an array-based group system without connection to any database, this code is all free and you can use it on another project.

One of the most important data is on this file, you can modify this file to everything you want, for example removing the default crew system and implementing your ESX job based system.

Feature list :heavy_check_mark:

  • UI RES friendly
  • Right Click makes you go Freecam!
  • Free Crew System
  • You can share your marker config with your friend
  • Optimized
  • Standalone (We completely removed everything that locks the project to a single framework.)

Preview it :camera:

Buy it :fire:

OR TEST IT (3 day trial) :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

ps: Everything is encrypted on the trial version, but, if you buy the script, you will have full access to the file “crew_system.lua” on the server side!

Code is accessible +/- (escrow but a huge part is unencrypted)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 500-1000
Requirements nothing
Support Yes

Other scripts:


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