:ocean: Diving

Looking for a fun way to explore the ocean?

Dont look any further, with rbDiving you can explore pre-configured zones or the whole ocean, and, guess what, the config is super easy!
And no, you dont need to setup any coordinates for the pickups, the script generates it automatically!

:star2: Feature List

  • :gear: Dont need to configure the pickups coordinates
  • :joystick: The ultimate diving experience
  • :lock: Discord logging
  • :calling: Supports 5 different notification systems, and you can configure your own
  • :rocket: Standalone script, ready for ESX and QB-CORE!

:movie_camera: Media

Youtube / Config

Buy it here for 9.69€ :fire: (plus vat in some countries)

Supported Notifications:

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 700
Requirements N/A
Support Yes