:coin: Coin Flip

Elevate Your Betting Game with Our Coin Flip Script!

Introducing a fun and simple way to bet money among friends and players. With just a few clicks from the menu, you can turn any gathering into a thrilling betting experience.

Embrace the thrill of the toss and the joy of winning in seconds. Try our coin flip script today and let the games begin!

:star2: Feature List

  • :person_standing: Use character photo
  • :lock: Cheater-proof and discord logging
  • :calling: Supports 5 different notification systems, and you can configure your own
  • :rocket: Standalone script, ready for ESX and QB-CORE!
  • :arrow_right: Resolution Friendly

:eyes: Preview

:movie_camera: Media

Youtube / Config

Buy it here for 6.99€ :fire: (open-source)

Supported Notifications:

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1000
Requirements N/A
Support Yes