Random Maze Generator

Random Maze Generator using Random objects

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~200
Requirements N/A
Support No

This resource generates a random always solvable maze and renders it as objects in game.

The command /maze is provided with optional arguments: X Y hash layers, x, y ,z

  • X (default 5): the x dimension of the maze (length)
  • Y (default 7): the y dimension of the maze (width)
  • hash (default -1116116298, a solid wall): the FiveM entity hash you want to build the maze out of
  • layers (default 1): how “tall” the maze will be with entities stacked on top of each other
  • x (default player location): x coordinate of maze start point
  • y (default player location): y coordinate of maze start point
  • z (default player location): z coordinate of maze start point

I mostly consider this a short/interesting thing to make for fun but if anyone has more intricate use cases I’d be open to hearing about them.