Ragdoll or ped hit Crash Hack

I had today a cheater that crash players in his culling radius. He use something that makes all the peds to fall back, it seems that the animation is the same as when the player get hit by a car and no ragdoll is initiated.

Here is a 15s clip with the crash.

All players in the area get the crash, regardless of client version (Canary / Release).
The server is on artifact 11895
The game build is 2612

The crashes looks like this

Game crashed: gta-net-five.dll!<lambda>::operator() (0xa3)
Game crashed: GTA5_b2612.exe!rage::netSyncParentNode::ReadData (0x8d)
Game crashed: gta-net-five.dll!std::_Func_impl_no_alloc<<lambda>,bool,rage::AckState &,rage::netSyncNodeBase *,std::function<bool __cdecl(void)> const &>::_Do_call (0x26)

I did not succed to replicate the script that crash players.

Huh, they probably found a way to trigger a state change on all players in radius and it somehow overload the sync function, from your side you can check for (potentially) vulnerable resources that allow a player to affect another player’s state

I found another server with the same problem. It’s not specific to my server or any of my resources; it’s literally related to ragdoll. I currenly use SetPedCanRagdoll(ped, false) with a toggle when I trigger my own scripted ragdoll. However, this is a clunky workaround for now. I hope CFX addresses the network spam caused by multiple ragdoll events from one client to others.

Do your best to capture what exactly is being done and make sure to either do a bug report, or if it’s widely reproducible (doesn’t require any “menus” or “injectors”) email it to CFX

I’m not sure if this is related, but I knew for some time some cheat menus would cause crashes by spawning things from purposefully messed up client-side files.

For example, they’d spawn a base GTA car with incorrect information for handling.meta, vehicles.meta, etc.

I’m not 100% sure how they do this, but is it possible they’re doing something to cause an error by doing something similar related to player physics/ragdoll data?

Correct me if I’m wrong here, but when the preanimated death/fall anims play, that means the player was unable to load the default ragdoll animations, so the game plays those anims instead. It happens extremely rarely to players in even single-player/GTA :o.

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