Raccoon City | SeriousRP | CustomCars | Police | EMS | Mechs | Mafia | Tequilala | Unicorn | Staff 🍹 https://discord.gg/egAmKJz

RaccoonCity.eu is a roleplay community focused mainly on FiveM. (we have other servers to).
We have relaunched our popular FiveM community server and are looking for players.
:tropical_drink: Police|EMS|Mechs|Mafia|Tequilala|Unicorn|Staff :tropical_drink:
-We have many features on our server, and balanced gameplay for max RP-play.
-We have active admins, to helpout.
-We have custom cars and custom scripts.

So drop in and start your adventure today.
:link: https://discord.gg/egAmKJz :link: http://raccooncity.eu/forum
:desktop: :information_desk_person: :headphones: 𝕸.𝕡.𝕽-𝕿𝖛 :alien:

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I vouch for this server.
Good quality, active and friendly staff.
Lots of stuff to do…

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Where did you find a TequiLaLaJobs scripts ? Did you create it ?
If you, will you be up to share it ?