
Very easy to use and supports meny optional recources.


  • - Large config.
  • - Advanced version checks.
  • - Advanced animations.
  • - Prop + Scenario support.
  • - Advanced debug system.
  • - Advanced police options.
  • - Advanced cooldown system for each workpos.
  • - Ability to make many tasks as you wish.
  • - Add meny Work zones + positions as you wish.
  • - Unique options for all tasks.
  • - Minigames for each workpos.
  • - Advanced player animations and props for each workposition.
  • - Advanced prop system for lootpositions.
  • - Ability to modify everything to be different for each bank + loot + door so all banks are robbed differently.
  • - Ability to modify min + max tasks amounts for tasks.
  • - Menu with options to free people and send people to communityservice.
  • - Easy to use and helpfull locales (Fi + En).
  • - Advaced log system (webhook + ox_lib).
  • - Very optimized. (0.00) resmon.
  • - Supports: new and old ESX + qbcore.
  • - Multiple options for all optional dependencies.
  • - Everything is found in the config and can be easily modified.
  • - And much more…


  • es_extended or qb-core

  • ox_lib

  • ox_target or qb-target

  • Config:

  • 0e493dc727884351b9dc02c391955f14ff49ce13.png

Code is accessible Not fully
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 850
Requirements ox_lib + ox_target or qb-target + es_extended or qb-core
Support Yes
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