Hi wasn’t sure of a place to put this, I’ve realised that a previous release post was removed as it was a duplicate (shortly after i had posted again…) so just want to let you know i have removed that one and ask a question around advertising resources… can you only promote the script once or is there a timeframe when you can repost? Thanks in advance
Tl’dr: No, you may not post a release more than once. Even with a major update to a release, it is not allowed to post another thread. Just update the old one.
From this post: Releases Rules and FAQ
Please keep the forums tidy for example by combining similar releases into one topic and not reposting your releases, use your current topic to post updates. You may only post new topics every 12 hours.
Though sometimes it really grinds my gears seeing some users doing the same stuff over and over with a different color and logo.
patiently waits for the updated release section
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