[Question] Is it possible to add new faces

We have been searching for more face models to put in our server, has anyone been able to find a mod pack or way to add in custom faces?

yes i have add new faces i found them on gta5mods

But where do you load said faces?
I made a folder in the clothing folder and added them just like clothing

it should have worked that way though but they arent

i have had to cyacle though to get them to show a few times

In your character creator? What folder did you out the files in?

i put them in a stream foulder and called it hair for females

is this for a fivem server or for your own personal game?

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Would u mind explaining me how to stream hair ? or extract hair from the ydd of a ped ?

You’ll have to use OpenIV to find the location of the file you want to change within the GTA V game and then do as she did above and put the file location with a ^ before the file name