There’s one server owner and one developer working on the server. Server owner is concerned that the dev is using zaphosting. Server owner claims that the developer has an IP address link to their computer for the server through zap hosting. Server owner claims that should not have happened, and instead server owner should have their IP address linked through zaphosting and developer should be working through server owner’s IP… is this correct ?
What has ZAP Hosting and the IP drom the dev to do with ZAP Hosting? I dont get it. If the owners doesnt want to use it the owner should get the hosting.
Hey there,
I’m not fully sure what exactly you are referring to. If you are hosting with us, you would receive an IP Address that you can view on the web interface panel on our website, which you would use to direct connect and access your FTP/RDP/SSH.
Otherwise, the developer will have his own (likely dynamic) IP at home through his internet provider, which is normal, that’s how the internet work. You would call this self-hosting/localhosting as they are doing this on their own network.
Let me know if you have any further questions. 
~ J