Qtarget - A re-written and optimised "third eye" solution

i noticed if i have multiple options with the same event that it only sends over 1 option to the ui. im using an event and passing different variables through the options. but only 1 option pops up out of like 8. this was with addTargetModel

for k, v in pairs(options) do
	if not v.distance or v.distance > distance then v.distance = distance end
	Models[model][v.event] = v

im guessing its because its indexed using the event name, but im unsure of a solution to this rn.

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where as this didnt happen with the bt-target, just for reference. i definitely prefer this resource, but just had that small issue

I set it up to index by the event for the sake of being able to add and remove options. I supposed I could (should) use label instead?

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Bone target, work with any ESX version?

The entire resource is dependant on ESX Legacy. Support for older versions is easy, but there’s no reason to provide it; progress and all that.

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I got a modded esx 1.1 base, for me it’s hard to update that, to do that i need to remake a whole server

That’s what happens when you build off of 1.1 and essentialmode

Config.Peds = {

Is it right for example?

I mean i want to use it on another player

Can your project be submitted for work as well qb-core ?

Converting this script to QBCore isn’t difficult, just have to find the right equivalents.

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Since it’s now less of a hassle to maintain updates between the public and private versions of the code, I’ve removed the dependencies on intervals and ESX.

Setting Config.Standalone = true will remove the job and item checks, among other things, and makes it easier for you to modify the code for whatever framework you want.

when using addTargetModel it will sometimes get stuck in a loop of checking entity because it will keep getting through the checkrange. this happens reliably when using addTargetModel on NPCs it seems and then every so often on objects. i did get around it by just using the addped and then checking model in the canInteract function, but i thought maybe it was worth mentioning since i had it happen with objects as well. also am using the latest release

CheckEntity = function(hit, data, entity, distance)
	local send_options = {}
	local send_distance = {}
	for o, data in pairs(data) do
		if M.CheckOptions(data, entity, distance) then
			local slot = #send_options + 1
			send_options[slot] = data
			send_options[slot].entity = entity
			send_distance[data.distance] = true
			send_distance[data.distance] = false
	sendData = send_options
	if next(send_options) then
		success = true
		SendNUIMessage({response = "validTarget", data = M.CloneTable(sendData)})
		while targetActive do
			local playerCoords = GetEntityCoords(playerPed)
			local _, coords, entity2 = RaycastCamera(hit)
			local distance = #(playerCoords - coords)
			if entity ~= entity2 then 
				if hasFocus then DisableNUI() end
			elseif not hasFocus and IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 24) then
			elseif CheckRange(send_distance, distance) then
                      --GETS THROUGH HERE AND LOOPS ITSELF
				CheckEntity(hit, data, entity, distance)
		success = false
		SendNUIMessage({response = "leftTarget"})

	AddTargetModel({`mp_m_shopkeep_01`}, {
		options = {
				event = "store:openStore",
				icon = "fas fa-shopping-basket",
				label = "What are you buying?",
		distance = 2.5

EDIT: was still happening with using the exports.qtarget:ped

EDIT2: i was able to solve this by adding " and not success" after the checkRange function above, not sure if this will have any negative impact

whats the export for intercact with other players?

Under player tab


Is it the CheckRange function causing the issue, or is it once it gets to the recursive CheckEntity function? The idea is for options to show up or hide depending on your distance to the target.

Strange it would work for the generic target functions and not specific models. I’ll look into it.

its the recursive checkEntity I think. when i was using the addtargetmodel on peds it would get through the check range with true being returned and then it would hit the checkentity again which would just loop it back through. im not too sure, but as soon as I added the “and not success” all of the issues were solved for me seemingly. so it would stop looping there once i had a success. although i havent tested enough to really know that it doesnt break anything else by adding that there

CheckEntity = function(hit, data, entity, distance)
	local send_options = {}
	local send_distance = {}
	for o, data in pairs(data) do
		if M.CheckOptions(data, entity, distance) then
			local slot = #send_options + 1 
			send_options[slot] = data
			send_options[slot].entity = entity
			send_distance[data.distance] = true
		else send_distance[data.distance] = false end
	sendData = send_options
	if next(send_options) then
		success = true
		SendNUIMessage({response = "validTarget", data = M.CloneTable(sendData)})
		while targetActive do
			local playerCoords = GetEntityCoords(playerPed)
			local _, coords, entity2 = RaycastCamera(hit)
			local distance = #(playerCoords - coords)
			if entity ~= entity2 then 
				if hasFocus then DisableNUI() end
			elseif not hasFocus and IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 24) then
				for k, v in pairs(send_distance) do
					if (v == false and distance < k) or v == true and distance > k then
						return CheckEntity(hit, data, entity, distance)
		success = false
		SendNUIMessage({response = "leftTarget"})

Any better?

this is the error

this is the code line in the main.lua

Thanks i already tried that and works, but the problem is that will allow the player to use target in npcs too

When i try to handcuff the player with the target using the Ped export i handcuff myself