QBX/QBCore Money Laundering


Preview —> FiveM qbcore / qbxcore Money Laundering Script M4S0NS SCRIPTS (youtube.com)

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QBX/QBCore Money Laundering Script is an advanced money laundering system for FiveM servers utilizing the QBX/QBCore framework. This script provides an immersive and interactive experience for players involved in criminal activities, allowing them to launder their marked bills into clean cash through various laundering locations around the map. The script is designed to incorporate dynamic elements, risk factors, and player progression, ensuring a realistic and engaging gameplay experience.


  1. Randomized Laundering Locations:
  • Laundering ped locations are randomized every 10 minutes ← – “you can change”)
  • to keep players on their toes and add an element of unpredictability.
  • Each location is marked with a blip on the map for easy identification.
  1. Ped Interaction:
  • Laundering peds spawn at designated locations.
  • Players can approach the ped and press “E” to initiate the money laundering process.
  1. Configurable Laundering Mechanics:
  • Configurable cooldown period between laundering sessions to prevent abuse.
  • Laundering a configurable percentage of the player’s marked bills at a time.
  • Configurable return rate for laundered money.
  • Laundered amount is randomly determined within a configurable range.
Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 172
Requirements QB/QBX CORE
Support Yes
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I am aware of some current issues with the script and i am actively working on a fix and some updates