[QBCore] skerly-drugs | Advanced Drug System


This script aims to be the only drug script you will ever need on your server. Thus’ it has many different features in a neat all in one package, because who wants to mess with five different scripts when you could have just one?


  • By default, 17 different useable drugs with 13 effects
  • Weed growing with the ability to set blacklisted or whitelisted areas
  • NPCs that will make drugs for you, with customizable recipes
  • Drug robbery with 7 robbery spots by default
  • Drug delivery gig with customizable rewards
  • Sell on the street, the peds will insult or say something positive to you and you can add as many different responses as you want
  • Sell through a distributor without the chance of getting caught, unless the police is ambushing you. When collecting your payment, there is a chance that everything went smoothly, you got robbed or raided. You will get paid differently depending on what happened.
  • Sell through a middleman with the chance of police getting called or a rival gang showing up

The entire script is heavily customizable. All of the drugs have packaged, unpackaged and brick versions. You can easily add more drugs or effects and customize the benefit of each drug, more crafting peds for different drugs and change the recipes, what can be sold to whom with what price, what weapons and models the NPCs spawn with, what vehicles spawn and where, how many NPCs and vehicles spawn, and more from the config. All the different parts can be turned off, if you want to use some different script for the specific feature.

config.lua (74.1 KB)


Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 3600
Requirements qb-target, progressbar, PolyZone
Support Yes
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Update 1.0.1

  • Fixed the script to work with the newest QB-Core version

How do you adjust for multiple police jobs? My server has police, sheriff and dps. Also whats your discord?

Update 1.0.2

  • Added support for multiple police jobs