[QBCore] Scrap Theft - Steal scrap materials from objects!

[QBCore] am-scraptheft - Steal scrap materials!

This script allows players to steal scrap materials from various objects on the map (i.e. air conditioning units).


  • QBCore Framework
  • qb-target
  • Support for ps-dispatch & cd_dispatch (optional for police alerts)


  • Highly configurable
  • Protected against LUA injectors: Uses a server generated randomised token to authenticate before sending rewards to the clients (not tested with a LUA injector as I don’t have one, but the logic seems to work properly)
  • Support for ps-dispatch
  • Customisable random dispatch messages and callers -Configurable rewards for each object


See the github


Any issues/bugs open a issue on the github. This is my first resource release (I’m still learning, so support may be limited but I will do what I can). Feel free to share and modify to suit your needs, or open a pull request if you have any improvements!

Known issues

  • The oxy torch prop doesn’t always disappear, but this can be fixed by going to scrap another object and cancelling it. I haven’t worked out how to fix this yet - Any pull requests to fix this would be much appreciated.




Great release. Only issue so far is that the calls GPS automatically get called out ‘Spanish Ave, West Vinewood’ no matter where you are on the map. Which is just a police station and not the actual spot where the theft is taking place. Any ideas?

In the cl_main.lua change local pos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerId()) to local pos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())


That did it, thank you!

Sorry I haven’t had a chance to fix this yet - Been very busy with things. I’ll get around to it this evening

Fixed the issue and updated the github - Cheers for bring that to my attention!

Hey man, wanna ask your server SAPixel the discord link to join says the link is invalid, was wondering could ya send me a inv through here or maybe fix it since i would love to see the city

I don’t have a server

Only issue im having is its telling me “you cant carry anymore” but yet i hardly have any material on me from it. 10 copper wire and 20 scrap metal and then it tells me i cant carry anymore??