[QBCore] | qb-businesses - a one in all restaurant job! | [PAID]

Anything related to quasar is just a qbcore reskin.

The script does not work with quasar because he does not offer support for it.

Great Release. Smooth looking Script.

Any idea why these untouched locked files are giving a ā€˜</1>ā€™ error? And how can I fix them? I ensured everything is installed as per the read txt fileā€¦

Wanna buy script but wonder if this is still maintained before buying

Having trouble getting this to work on our serverā€¦
Receiving errors about ā€œqb-targetā€ but we modified everything to our renamed ā€œrp-targetā€ in the files where possible but stil getting the errorā€¦ can this be fixed or do we need to keep the original ā€œqb-targetā€ naming?