This package adds the ability to players, to take, create and install Plates in vehicles.
This package includes:
- [QB]TopPlatesSpot
- [QB]TopSearchRadar (GPS System)
- [QB]TopVehiclePlates (free)
TopPlatesSpot adds a NPC that let’s players ask for a custom Plate.
The NPC will ask you for a favor, to find a certain vehicle, take it’s plate, and do damage to it.
Player will need to find the vehicle using Radar, this shows distance to the objective, and player must navigate the world to find it.
Once you find it, player need to watch out for the driver, he will be armed, and is not afraid of you.
After the job’s done, the NPC will let you write your custom Plate for a amount of cash.
Because of TopVehiclePlates, you keep these Plates even after server restart, you can install and remove Plates as you like.
example items
TopSearchRadar from the GPS System, to help the player find a moving target.
search mode
custom plates (see what plate it is on mouse hover)
Code is accessible | Yes (part) |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 2340 |
Requirements | NONE |
Support | Yes |
So for example you want to change your qb-truckrobbery to instead of setting a waypoint for the truck, you want the search radar.
Well, in client/main.lua line 246
you will see
SetNewWaypoint(VehicleCoords.x, VehicleCoords.y)
ClearAreaOfVehicles(VehicleCoords.x, VehicleCoords.y, VehicleCoords.z, 15.0, false, false, false, false, false)
transport = CreateVehicle(GetHashKey('stockade'), VehicleCoords.x, VehicleCoords.y, VehicleCoords.z, 52.0, true,true)
TruckBlip = AddBlipForEntity(transport)
SetBlipSprite(TruckBlip, 57)
SetBlipColour(TruckBlip, 1)
SetBlipFlashes(TruckBlip, true)
AddTextComponentString('Van with Cash')
just gange a few things
--SetNewWaypoint(VehicleCoords.x, VehicleCoords.y)
TriggerEvent("TopSearchRadar:client:toggleMeter", vector3(VehicleCoords.x, VehicleCoords.y,VehicleCoords.z))
ClearAreaOfVehicles(VehicleCoords.x, VehicleCoords.y, VehicleCoords.z, 15.0, false, false, false, false, false)
transport = CreateVehicle(GetHashKey('stockade'), VehicleCoords.x, VehicleCoords.y, VehicleCoords.z, 52.0, true,true)
--TruckBlip = AddBlipForEntity(transport)
--SetBlipSprite(TruckBlip, 57)
--SetBlipColour(TruckBlip, 1)
--SetBlipFlashes(TruckBlip, true)
--AddTextComponentString('Van with Cash')
This opens the radar on the player with the truck starting coords.
To update the coord go to line 300 and add
TriggerEvent("TopSearchRadar:client:updMeter", vector3(transCoords.x, transCoords.y, transCoords.z))
All done.