[QBCore][PAID] VIP System


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This is an Automated VIP System with Shop, Roulette, Peds and a lot of cool stuff


You can set the texts for the notifications
You can set if you want to use okokNotify
You can set your event prefix
You can set your webhook for logs
You can edit the VIP Menu how you like to
You can edit the VIP Shop Cars
You can edit the rewards for the VIP Roulette
You can edit the VIP Levels & Label


Idle: 0.00
In use: 0.00



FiveM Asset Escrow System

This script is using the Asset Escrow system.


Config.Options = {
    ["EventPrefix"] = 'mdx-vip',
    ["okoknotify"] = false,
    ["webhook"] = 'https://discord.com/api/webhooks/972465435691860028/JJtLfQoNFjVjkYzu638ZirfXYuWdkRqr4SL9ZPlA1lB-BJlBQ9pCGlaVo_g9c5jZAEns',

Config.VIPMenu = {
    ["title"] = "VIP Menu",
    ["options"] = {
        ["vipvehicle"] = {
            ["header"] = "• Get Car",
            ["txt"] = "Get a car!",
            ["carModel"] = "adder",
            ["cost"] = 5
        ["roulette"] = {
            ["header"] = "• Start Roulette",
            ["txt"] = "You roll the roulette for a price",
            ["cost"] = 5
        ["skins"] = {
            ["cat"] = {
                name = "Cat",
                model =  'a_c_cat_01',
                header = '• Get a cat skin',
                text = "Get cat skin",
            ["dog"] = {
                name = "Dog",
                model =  'a_c_chop',
                header = '• Get a dog skin',
                text = "Get dog skin",
            ["reset"] = {
                name = "Reset",
                model =  'mp_m_freemode_01',
                header = '> Reset skin',
                text = "Reset your skin to the basic one",
        ["closemenu"] = {
            ["header"] = "Close (ESC)",
            ["txt"] = ""

Config.VIPShop = {
    ["title"] = "VIP Shop",
    ["cars"] = {
        {name = "Adder", id= "adder", image = "", price= 1000},
        {name = "T20", id= "t20", image = "", price= 1000},

Config.VIPRewards = {
    {name = "adder", type = "vehicle", value = 1},
    {name = "money", type = "money", value = 10000},
    {name = "bread", type = "item", value = 5},

Config.VIPLevels = {
    [1] = {
        label = "VIP Bronze",
    [2] = {
        label = "VIP Silver",
    [3] = {
        label = "VIP Diamond",
    [4] = {
        label = "VIP Platinum",

Download (9.99€)

Get this resource from Tebex

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 700
Requirements QB-Core, QB-Menu & oxmysql
Support Yes
1 Like

Do you have it for ESX Version

Hey, no but i have in plan!

[ script:mdx-vip] SCRIPT ERROR: ?:-1: attempt to index a nil value out the box it does not work