[QBCore] [Paid] qz-mechanic

QZ Mechanic Job + Tuning Menu (QBCore)

A new concept of a tuning menu. Including mechanic job on the same script.


· Mechanic job locations included
· rgb palette
· Discord Logs
· Very configurable through config.lua
· Optimized
· Modifications Counter
· Preview mode
· Automatic camera centering

Purchase link: TEBEX (15.00€) | Escrow (Chameleon color is not included on the script)

Purchase link: TEBEX (45.00€) | OpenSource (Chameleon color is not included on the script)

Chamaleon Color: TEBEX (15.00€) | OpenSource

What is included in escrow version?

  - Pictures
  - Audio archive
  - CSS
  - JS
  - HTML
  - config.lua
  - configServerSide.lua

config.lua Preview:

Config = {} 

Config.Debug = true -- Debug mode for testing and develop.
Config.FuelExport = "LegacyFuel" -- LegacyFuel, ps-fuel, sna-fuel.
Config.ClothingEvent = "qz-clothing:client:openOutfitChange" -- Event to open the clothing menu.
Config.JobNames = {
    ["mechanic"] = true,
    ["police"] = true

------------------------ DRAWTEXT FUNCTIONS ------------------------

function DrawText(x, y, z, msg, index)
    local indice = 2
    if index ~= nil then
        indice = index
        indice = 2
    AddTextEntry('esxFloatingHelpNotification', msg)
    local coords = vector3(x, y, z)
    SetFloatingHelpTextWorldPosition(1, coords)
    SetFloatingHelpTextStyle(1, 1, indice, -1, 3, 0)
    EndTextCommandDisplayHelp(2, false, false, -1)

------------------------ DRAWTEXT FUNCTIONS ------------------------

------------------------ HUD ENABLE / DISABLE OPTIONS ------------------------

Config.HideHudCommand = "hidehud" -- Command show the hud
Config.ShowHudCommand = "showhud" -- Command hide the hud

------------------------ HUD ENABLE / DISABLE OPTIONS ------------------------

------------------------ MENU BILLING ------------------------

-- Do you want mechanics to be able to tune without charging workers for the tune? Toggle this option to modify it.

Config.BillWorkers = false

------------------------ MENU BILLING ------------------------

Config.Locations = {
    ["blips"] = {
        {label = "Los Santos Custom", coords = vector4(-331.87, -137.94, 39.01, 66.52)},

    ["stash"] = {
        {coords = vector3(-211.32, -1330.04, 30.89), jobs = {
            ["mechanic"] = true, ["police"] = true
        -- {coords = vector3(XX, XX, XX), jobs = {"job1", "job3"}},

    ["duty"] = {
        {coords = vector3(-217.11, -1331.77, 30.89), jobs = {
            ["mechanic"] = true, ["police"] = true
        -- {coords = vector3(XX, XX, XX), jobs = {"job1", "job2"}},

    ["stash"] = {
        {coords = vector3(-317.8, -121.26, 39.01), jobs = {
            ["mechanic"] = true
        -- {coords = vector3(XX, XX, XX), jobs = {"job2", "job3"}},

    ["clothing"] = {
        {coords = vector3(-349.77, -123.72, 39.05), jobs = {
            ["mechanic"] = true, ["police"] = true
        -- {coords = vector3(XX, XX, XX), jobs = {"job1", "job2"}},

    ["tuning"] = {
        {coords = vector3(-222.52, -1330.57, 30.89), jobs = {
            ["mechanic"] = true
        -- {coords = vector3(XX, XX, XX), jobs = {"job1", "job3"}},

------------------------ TOW SPAWNER ------------------------

Config.UseESXMenu = false -- Change the value to enable tow spawn to true. For this you will need the ESX menu in QBCore: https://github.com/ccheerry/qb-menu-default.

Config.MenuTow = vector3(-369.3, -111.54, 38.68)
Config.SpawnTow = vector4(-365.63, -146.35, 37.94, 39.28)

Config.CarModel0 = "zentorno"
Config.CarModel1 = "neon"
Config.CarModel2 = "police"
Config.CarModel3 = "police1"

------------------------ TOW SPAWNER ------------------------

------------------------ BLIP OPTIONS ------------------------

Config.EnableScriptBlips = true

Config.BlipColour = 0
Config.BlipScale = 0.8
Config.BlipType = 446

------------------------ BLIP OPTIONS ------------------------

------------------------ LANGUAGE TRANSLATIONS ------------------------

Config.Translations = {
    ['off_duty'] = "~g~E~w~ - Go off duty",
    ['on_duty'] = "~g~E~w~ - Go on duty",
    ['common_stash'] = "~g~E~w~ - Common Stash",
    ['personal_stash'] = "~g~E~w~ - Personal Stash",
    ['clothing_stash'] = "~g~E~w~ - Clothing Stash",
    ['tuning_menu'] = "~g~E~w~ - Open tuning menu",
    ['tow_menu'] = "~g~E~w~ - Open car menu",
    ['delete_car'] = "~g~E~w~ - Delete the vehicle",
    ['spawn_tow'] = "~g~E~w~ - Spawn a tow",
    ['despawn_tow'] = "~g~E~w~ - Spawn a tow",

    -- List of vehicles

    ['menu_tittle'] = "Mechanic Vehicle Spawner",
    ['veh_0'] = "Car 1",
    ['veh_1'] = "Car 2",
    ['veh_2'] = "Car 3",
    ['veh_3'] = "Car 4",

    -- Tuning Menu
    ['already_using_it'] = "You are already using it",
    ['preview_mode'] = "You are in preview mode, to activate again press the right button of your mouse",
    ['invalid_tuning'] = "You have no items to acquire, the tuning is invalid",
    ['no_money'] = "You don't have enough money to cover the expense",

    -- Logs
    ['tittle'] = "New tuning | ",
    ['value'] = "Value of the tuning: $",
    ['mechanic_name'] = "Mechanic user: ",
    ['info_plate'] = "Plate of the vehicle: ",
    ['info_model'] = "Model: ",
    ['has_owner'] = "The modified vehicle has an owner",
    ['not_owner'] = "Modified vehicle has no owner",

------------------------ LANGUAGE TRANSLATIONS ------------------------

+ All the mechanic menú options and translations

Video Showcase: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDneJAfxvUM

Code is accessible Yes/No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +3000
Requirements qb-garages
Support Yes

Is there a preview video?

qz-clothing xd

Hi, can your make this on esx ? ^^

video please

looking into your config file i presume that the access to the features can be locked for just one job, is that correctly?

im asking bc in my server i have multiple mechanics and each mechanic place has its own job. Ex: lscustom, bennys, customcars, this is all mechanic jobs in my server

am i able to have multiple mechanic locations and each location locked to a specific job with your script ?