[QBCore] [PAID] Cloth item work with fivem-appearance and qb-clothing

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  • Yes, ESX
  • Yes, other (comment your framworks)
  • No
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This script gives your players the opportunity to share these clothes, undress and dress directly with objects!

Features Comments
Night/Thermal vision Variation detection. Job restriction or not. Can change item
Drop detection need edit qb-inventory
Update detection Can turn off
Item price Can edit in config file
Your personal save function If you want save player skin with your function
14 cloths supports
Have commands for give cloth

Tebex link : Clothing Items 19.99€ + VAT

More information
For add support with other clothing shop, tell me here or DM


Code is accessible No
Escrowed yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~500
Requirements oxmysql, qbcore
Support Yes
  • Add gender cloth ID when remove
  • Add job restriction for commands
  • Edit readme.md

Cool! Definitely keeping an eye on this and spend some good dolls when I’m paid next :slight_smile:

Hello !
First I would like to tell you that this is must-have resource.
But before buying, I would like to know a few things :

  1. What happens when you “save outfit” and then you get robbed by someone ? Can you still go to a changing room and “change outfit” normally ? (you shouldn’t be able because you don’t have the item anymore correct ? )

  2. Does it work with RCore_Clothes ? (It should on my thought, because qb-clothing is a dependecy for Rcore_Clothes)

Thank you in advance for the answers ! and once again, very great work !

Hi !

In the present case, the script give all items when player change and if you use save outfit, the script can’t give object because save outfit option save on the DB the outfit.
When I look the video of “RCore_Clothes” script, if you can edit the function under “Buy clothes”, then Yes it’s compatible

this come out for ESX yet? maybe compatible with MF inventory?

Hello, no this script is not for ESX. But i can write the version for 2 days if is necessary.

does the clothes item show which draw text the clothes item is? when u hover over the item

I do not understand your question. Would you like an image for the 1000 items of clothing? Depending on the number, does it display such an image? But suddenly you have to create all the items like this or else create an inventory that supports it