[QBCore][PAID] Blackmarket


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This is a Black Market script, connected to a vpn & a burner. After you connect to both you get the location via sms, then there you can see the blackmarket shop


You can set the texts for the notifications
You can set if you want to use okokNotify
You can set if you want to use QB-Target
You can set the item ids for vpn & burner
You can set the event prefix
You can set the Names to be shown when you connect to the vpn
You can set what type of peds you want ( If you use qb-target you can edit the icon & label )
You can add as many items you want
You can add as many locations you want ( It automatically takes one random )
You can change the blip


Idle: 0.01
In use ( with qb-target): 0.00-0.01
In use ( with 3dtext): 0.04-0.06


QB-Target ( If you want to )

FiveM Asset Escrow System

This script is using the Asset Escrow system and its fully encrypted.


Config.Texts = {
    ['action_stopped'] = 'Canceled...',
    ['disconnected_vpn'] = 'You disconnected from the vpn',
    ['already_connecting'] = 'You are connecting to the vpn',
    ['connected'] = 'You are now connected as ',
    ['no_burner'] = 'You do not have a burner to connect the vpn',
    ['someone_is_already_using_blackmarket'] = 'Someone is already using the blackmarket wait more'

Config.Options = {
    ["okoknotify"] = true, -- use okoknotify
    ["qbtarget"] = true, -- use qb-target
    ["vpnID"] = "vpn", -- vpn item id
    ["burnerID"] = "burner", -- burner item id
    ["prefix"] = "mdx-blackmarket", -- event prefix for events
    ["names"] = {  -- names to be shown when you connect
    ["locations"] = { -- locations to be randomized
            vector4(500.53, -1813.26, 28.89, 136.34),
            vector4(-3.65, -1821.09, 29.54, 226.53)
    ["blipid"] = 106 -- blip if for the waypoint https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/

Config.Peds = { 
    ["blackmarket"] = {
        label = "Blackmarket", -- Name
        ped = "s_m_y_dealer_01", -- ped id
        icon = "fas fa-user-secret", -- https://fontawesome.com/ for icons
        item = Config.Options['burnerID'], -- coords

Config.Shop = { -- Items at the black market
    label = "Black Market",
    slots = 5,
    items = {
        [1] = {
            name = "weapon_combatpistol",
            price = 0,
            amount = 50,
            info = {},
            type = "weapon",
            slot = 1,

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Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 370
Requirements QB-Core
Support Yes
(For releases without code the not applicable fields can be written as N/A)
1 Like

ESX version possibly?!

Hi, no atm i do not know esx so good so its just qb-core

good job