Showcase Video: Link (Click)
Tebex: Link (Click)
K4mb1 and I collabed on this project, and we’re both very happy with the outcome.
I recommend using this resource with his map, which you can find at: Link (Click)
- Exposed client file that contains:
(Creation of blip)
(Display message)
(Spots (to open the furnace, workbench and shop)) - Furnace with the option to add coal, ore and claim the outcome
- Workbench to craft things
- Shop to sell the outcome
- Ores, furnace, workbench and shop is all synced between places
- Dev mode, if you setting up newores and need to restart quite a few times
- How often the ores resets
- How long it takes to hit a ore (synced to animation out of the package)
- Stop message displayed when mining
- Stop button
- The object attached to the player
- Animation
- Configure the objects
- Configure the displayed text
- Configure where the ore spawns, chance of it spawning and hits needed before it gets deleted
- Configure the displayed text
- Configure spots where it can be opened
- Configure item used as coal and how long the burn time lasts
- Configure the max capacity of coal, ore and the result
- Configure what can be smelted, how long the proccess takes and the reward given
- Configure the displayed text
- Configure spots where it can be opened
- Configure what can be crafted, how long the proccess takes and the rewards given
- Required items needed for crafting can is configured inserting their spawn code, amount and which it’s put into
- Configure the displayed text
- Configure spots where it can be opened
- Configure what can be purchased
- Buy price, sell price and amount can be configured, with a random chance of what the result is
- A chance of an item showing in the shop
[Other resources]