As a player, you will enjoy a seamless and user-friendly UI.

  • QBCORE only.
  • You can change the server logo.
  • You can change the default vehicle, person photos.
  • You can change the camera item and hack items.
  • You can set the allowed jobs for MDT and Legisations.
  • You can add more locations for the players to check legisations.
  • You can add as many tags as you want and change their colors and icons.
  • You can add as many licenses as you want and change their colors and icons.

Code is accessible 80%
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 5k+
Requirements qb-core
Support Yes
  • Config.lua :
Config = {}
Config.Framework        = "qb"
Config.UseInteract      = true
Config.Target           = 'qb'
Config.Inventory        = 'qb'
Config.FrameworkPseudo  = "qb-core"
Config.Images = {
    logo    = 'https://i.ibb.co/B4njwTQ/icon.png',
    default = 'https://i.ibb.co/LYS6qt2/male.png',
    vehicle = 'https://i.ibb.co/GWbgHKZ/vehicle.jpg',
    camera  = 'https://i.ibb.co/ZNq9B03/istockphoto-1448589559-612x612.jpg',

Config.Camera = {
    prop = 'prop_cctv_cam_01a',
    item = 'pdcam',
    hack = 'rfid_cloner',
    remove = true -- remove hack item on hack (success or fail), you can change this on client/minigames.lua

Config.Jobs = {

Config.Legisations = {
    'judge', -- allowed to change the legisations

Config.Locations = {
    vector3(322.92, -1642.05, 32.76),
    vector3(320.88, -1640.33, 32.76),
    vector3(318.78, -1638.56, 32.77),

Config.Tags = {
        id          = 1,    -- KEEEEEP IT FIRST ! important, as it is related to dashboard  (id = 1)
        name        = 'Announcement',
        color       = '#22c5ad',
        background  = 'radial-gradient(#076650, #193d3c4f);',
        icon        = 'fa-solid fa-bullhorn'
        id          = 2,
        name        = 'Mosleys Auto',
        color       = '#22c5ad',
        background  = 'radial-gradient(#076650, #193d3c4f);',
        icon        = 'fa-solid fa-car'
        id          = 3,
        name        = 'Snr Buns',
        color       = '#22c5ad',
        background  = 'radial-gradient(#076650, #193d3c4f);',
        icon        = 'fa-solid fa-burger'
        id          = 4,
        name        = 'High Command Review',
        color       = '#22c5ad',
        background  = 'radial-gradient(#076650, #193d3c4f);',
        icon        = 'fa-solid fa-gavel'
        id          = 5,
        name        = 'Sewer',
        color       = '#22c5ad',
        background  = 'radial-gradient(#076650, #193d3c4f);',
        icon        = 'fa-solid fa-poop'
        id          = 6,
        name        = 'Shift Meeting',
        color       = '#22c5ad',
        background  = 'radial-gradient(#076650, #193d3c4f);',
        icon        = 'fa-solid fa-user'

Config.Licenses = {
        id          = 1,
        name        = 'Fishing Licence',
        color       = '#22c5ad',
        background  = 'radial-gradient(#076650, #193d3c4f);',
        icon        = 'fa-solid fa-otter'
        id          = 2,
        name        = 'Hunting Licence',
        color       = '#22c5ad',
        background  = 'radial-gradient(#076650, #193d3c4f);',
        icon        = 'fa-solid fa-hippo'
        id          = 3,
        name        = 'Driving Licence',
        color       = '#22c5ad',
        background  = 'radial-gradient(#076650, #193d3c4f);',
        icon        = 'fa-solid fa-car'
        id          = 4,
        name        = 'Weapon Licence',
        color       = '#22c5ad',
        background  = 'radial-gradient(#076650, #193d3c4f);',
        icon        = 'fa-solid fa-gun'