Whats appening you crazy people, back again with simple yet kinda nice looking map. I don’t own this script neither did i make it, shoutout to the crazy guy who made it, nice one fella, nothing is changed on the readme and license. Credits to this guy v7x for the map i’ve used.
For the pins when users wants to select where he spawns: from line 84 to line 89 change onlymargin-top and margin-left.
If you know your stuff and can code you can change all of them in less than 5 mins using nui_devtools in-game.
For locations you need to change from line 84 to line 89 where says data-location=“motel”, you may ask change to WHAT? Open up config.lua in qb-spawn, thats what you are changing to. Whenever user clicks on that pin, hes going to go to the motel its common sense and my english is broken in half send help.
IMPORTANT! Don’t forget this, when new player creates his character he’s going to need to select a pin to choose his new apartment. In qb-apartments/config.lua there is apartment1, apartment2 etc… i commented out apartment5 so if you have more or less you need to add more pins. Change pin location in qb-spawn/script.js line 117 to 120 where it says margin-top and margin-left
If player owns a house. House will be added at the bottom like in the video so he can select easily. You dont need to do anything on that part unless you want to.
If you need help just leave a comment and i’ll try to help or other people will help you.
Is there any reason why the Pins don’t have anything show up after being clicked? As well, with the Pins how do we properly align them. As I am able to move them and so forth, but yet again I don’t understand how to properly align them and such.
If you click on the pin you can see the opacity go down, same as if you click at the bottom one of the buttons opacity will go down, you can change that and or everything in there, its up to you and your style. No, i didint add something to show up once clicked the pin, but that’s a good idea, i might add that when i have free time. For the big red pins to move change from line 84 to line 89 margin-top and margin-left values.
Yea, I have come to figure that out, either way I appreciate the instant Support. As well, if you do release that update make sure to let me know, as I will for certain download it!
Thats for the apartments, from line 119 to 122 is for apartments and you only want to edit only them. In fact all you need to change is data-location=“apartment4” to your apartments. So if you’re using qb-apartments go in that folder and open up config.lua and it should say apartment1, apartment2 etc… if you have 5, you need to add one more pin so go back to qb-spawn/html/script.js, copy line 122 and paste in line 123 and edit from data-location=“apartment4” to data-location=“apartment5” now you have 5 pins on the map, dont forget to change apartment5 margin-top, and margin-left so it doesnt come up on top of the last pin. Hope this somewhat clears up
Cant get any apartments working even after changing them to the apartment names in my qb-apartments. Its sending the data to the JS but doesnt actually add it to any locations.
Finally figured out the problem. The picture you have for the houses doesn’t work. Changed that picture in the JS and everything started to work! Thanks for the great script.
Only problem i have now is being stuck in houses when I spawn in.