QBCORE - FreeFarm Tabac Script

Fivem QBCore FreeFarm Tabac Script

Players no longer need job to go farming, they just have to go to the farm fields to harvest the plants, go process them to resell them! everything can be edited in this script, from locations to props that spawn in farm areas!

Animations during the harvest as well as the treatment!

  • Fully Configurable
  • Fully Optimized
  • Fivem Assets Escrow ON
  • Props Can Be Changed In Config ( Field and traitment )

Customizable Field Props

Customizable Traitment Props

Custom Ped For Selling / Can be change in config!

Fully Configurable config file.

Video Coming SOON

Tebex Link : https://5mdevelopment.tebex.io/package/5799155
or click here

| Code is accessible | Config Only |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | 400 |
| Requirements | qb-core |
| Support | Yes |

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Is there support for Ox Target / Ox Inv? If not then that’d be a niceee addition! :smiley:

Hey, not for now but why not working on !

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Great :smiley: